自然の雄大さに見入る ナショナル・ジオグラフィックが写真コンテストの入賞者発表(3/3 ページ)

» 2018年01月01日 22時00分 公開
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1位 Photograph by Jim Obester, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year/Blue-filtered strobe lights stimulate fluorescent pigments in the clear tentacles of a tube-dwelling anemone in Hood Canal, Washington.
2位 Photograph by Shane Gross, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year/Typically a shy species, a Caribbean reef shark investigates a remote-triggered camera in Cuba’s Gardens of the Queen marine protected area.
3位 Photograph by Michael Patrick O'Neill, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year/Buoyed by the Gulf Stream, a flying fish arcs through the night-dark water five miles off Palm Beach, Florida.
特別賞 Photograph by Jennifer O'Neil, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year/Preparing to strike, tarpon cut through a ribbon-like school of scad off the coast of Bonaire in the Caribbean Sea.
ピープルズチョイス Photograph by Matthew Smith, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year/A Portuguese man-of-war nears the beach on a summer morning; thousands of these jellyfish wash up on Australia’s eastern coast every year.


1位 Photograph by Jayaprakash Joghee Bojan, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year/A male orangutan peers from behind a tree while crossing a river in Borneo, Indonesia.
2位 Photograph by Alejandro Prieto, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year/An adult Caribbean pink flamingo feeds a chick in Yucatán, Mexico. Both parents alternate feeding chicks, at first with a liquid baby food called crop milk, and then with regurgitated food.
3位 Photograph by Bence Mate, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year/Two grey herons spar as a white-tailed eagle looks on in Hungary.
特別賞 Photograph by Lance McMillan, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year/A Japanese macaque indulges in some grooming time on the shores of the famous hot springs.
ピープルズチョイス Photograph by Harry Collins, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year/A great gray owl swoops to kill in a New Hampshire field.
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