
自然の雄大さに見入る ナショナル・ジオグラフィックが写真コンテストの入賞者発表(2/3 ページ)




1位 Photograph by Todd Kennedy, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year/ In Sydney, Australia, the Pacific Ocean at high tide breaks over a natural rock pool enlarged in the 1930s. Avoiding the crowds at the city’s many beaches, a local swims laps.
2位 Photograph by Takahiro Bessho, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year/Snow-covered metasequoia trees, also called dawn redwoods, interlace over a road in Takashima, Japan.
3位 Photograph by Greg C., 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year/On the flanks of Kilauea Volcano, Hawai’i, the world’s only lava ocean entry spills molten rock into the Pacific Ocean. After erupting in early 2016, the lava flow took about two months to reach the sea, six miles away.
特別賞 Photograph by Agathe Bernard, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year/Migratory gulls take flight from a cedar tree being washed downstream by a glacial river in British Columbia, Canada.
ピープルズチョイス Photograph by David Swindler, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year/Green vegetation blooms at the river’s edge, or riparian, zone of a meandering canyon in Utah.


1位 Photograph by Karim Iliya, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year/Shortly before twilight in Kalapana, Hawai’i, a fragment of the cooled lava tube broke away, leaving the molten rock to fan in a fiery spray for less than half an hour before returning to a steady flow.
2位 Photograph by Yuhan Liao, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year/Sunlight glances off mineral strata of different colors in Dushanzi Grand Canyon, China.
3位 Photograph by Mike Olbinski Photography, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year/A summer thunderstorm unleashes lightning on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.
特別賞 Photograph by Gheorghe Popa, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year/Morning fog blurs the dead trees of Romania’s Lake Cuejdel, a natural reservoir created by landslides.
ピープルズチョイス Photograph by Wojciech Kruczyński, 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year/Sunset illuminates a lighthouse and rainbow in the Faroe Islands.

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  1. ザリガニが約3000匹いた池の水を、全部抜いてみたら…… 思わず腰が抜ける興味深い結果に「本当にすごい」「見ていて爽快」
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